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Blog, Stories & Photos

Lice Treatments (ooo-yuck!)
We sent out the word in our village that our clinic would be doing lice shampoo treatments. Dozens of children raced to get in line, and...

Drunk husband, 6 kids, small shack, no roof
She came into the clinic today holding back the tears. After her 5th child, she separated from her abusive and always-drunk husband. But...

Prenatal Care is saving lives
Hands of Hope clinic provides care to pregnant mothers, but we also hold “prenatal care” days in the other villages several times a...

Crazy 3-hour Ordeal to Give Blood
Anita went to the hospital to go with Karen to give blood because Luis must have blood donated or paid for before they will do his...

Can we help Lucia, 9, live?
Lucia has lymphoma. She had chemotherapy a year ago and the cancer seemed to be gone, but has now returned and she needs chemo again....

My head got Shop-Vac’d; Flowbee anyone?
It feels odd and weird to have a ShopVac vacuum cleaner sucking hair off your head. I had my hair cut by a guy at a franchise haircut...

Luis on the floor waiting for surgery
Luis is the man we wrote about, below; a car ran over his foot (and didn’t stop). Luis sleeps on the floor in a humble house waiting...

Toothless Dominga Smiles to say “thanks”
Dominga is about 80 years old. She and her husband simply can’t earn enough to buy the food they need to survive. So Hands of Hope has...

Luis, 80, run over by car; crawls to edge of road.
Luis is about 80 years old, has cataracts and can hardly see. He stills works a bit in the field, using a golf club to help find his way....

Worms coming out baby’s mouth.
Read more on our other blog site that is being integrated with this website. Ascaris worms can grow...

New shoes to hand out.
Rosario runs the clinic front office and is our ‘intake’ person, the first to greet the patients and hand out numbers, and keep the...

So many worms they crawl out the mouth
Ascaris worms. They can grow to 12 inches long. Anita gave worm medicine to all the children in Marta’s family. The next morning, worms...

Wood burning on floor at School Kitchen?
A small classroom is now used as a makeshift kitchen. Cement blocks are used to hold wood for fire built on the floor. The school...

Why didn’t the Dr. remove Marta’s stitches?
The doctor who mistreated Marta by jamming a catheter into her and had refused to remove it even though Marta was screaming…. he also...

Cold Day. Busy Week.
It’s cold today. Overcast, gray. And windy. Electric was off for two hours this afternoon. Busy week ahead. * Marta’s family: roof,...

Need: $46,000 for a community center
We only need $36,000 more for a Special Project we hope to start on Spring of 2010 – A much-needed Community Center. We need to buy...

1 death, 1 accident, 1 family: Magdalena
We came to know Marta Magdalena through a tragedy. Her mother came to us with the sad news that Marta Magdalena’s 6-year old brother had...

Marta’s horrible hospital visit (screaming)
Short version of a longer story which we’ll post later. Anita took Marta to the hospital. After a one-hour runaround, and not allowed at...

Immediate Financial Needs
Financial help is needed to care for several patients and other non-ordinary expenses. The following are needs that are over and above...

Marta at the hospital – screams in pain
Anita and Lety went to the village to take Marta to the hospital. Her father wasn’t drunk so he said he’d come, along with the Mom, the...
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