Hands of Hope clinic provides care to pregnant mothers, but we also hold “prenatal care” days in the other villages several times a month. This is extra effort for us, but it allows us to reach mothers who can’t – or aren’t allowed by their husbands – to leave their village to come to our clinic building.
On Prenatal Care Days the pregnant women receive a health care teaching to introduce and reinforce good health care habits. Things we take for granted many times are totally foreign concepts to these women. Through testing and monitoring, the staff keeps tabs on and can help women with high blood pressure and high blood sugars. Fetal heart monitoring can identify problem pregnancies, and the staff looks for babies who aren’t “in the correct position” at various stages.
This has really made a big difference in reducing deaths of mothers in childbirth, and of course in deaths of newborns.
Women who do get this care are also more likely to bring their children to our clinic for medical care in the future.
We are looking to buy a used ultrasound machine which would allow us to expand services. Kind folks have already donated $1250 of the $3,000 we need for this.