I want to thank all of Hands of Hope supporters that have been so faithful to help the people of the villages we have worked in since 1999. It will now be almost 12 years since we started working in these villages and we see improvements in their lives and health every year.
The need is still there although the death rate among babies and young children has dropped significantly. Many times these people should be treated at a hospital but fear keeps them away as well as lack of funds for hospitals. Surgeries in the fall of every year at public hospitals come to a standstill as hospitals run out of funds. Then the backlog must be attended first and the patients can wait up to 6 months for a needed surgery.
So we have started taking patients to a semiprivate hospital, Hermano Pedro Obras Sociales, where many American doctors offer their services for free. The patients must still pay a donation towards the hospital but the care is excellent. Many of our patients do not even have money for the exams and laboratory exams they need so Hands of Hope helps with that. Even a small donation of $100 is often beyond their reach. Again Hands of Hope helps with that donation and even arranges transportation to and from the hospital . Otherwise the post surgery patient would have to ride home in a bumpy bus!
This past few months our cost of medicines and help to patients has increased but our donations have been reduced. We desperately want to keep the clinic running smoothly and provide for these people who have no one else to turn to for help. Would you please consider a donation to keep the clinic from having to cut back on needed medicines and help for these people. We thank you so much for considering this and thank you for the help and prayers that you have offered for those in need.